MaNGA Dwarf Galaxy (MaNDala) Sample


Sample presentation

The MaNGA Dwarf galaxy  (MaNDala) Sample is a sample of dwarf galaxies observed with Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) by MaNGA (Bundy et al. 2015), which is one of the main SDSS IV projects (Blanton et al., 2017).
The sample is defined to contain galaxies with stellar masses < 109.06 MSun (stellar masses are taken from the NSA catalogue using h=0.7), and to be less bright than the Large Magalleanic Cloud (i.e. M < 18.5).
The characterization of this sample consist of photometric and spectroscopic results. The photometric analysis was performed with Dark Energy Survey (DESI) data, while the spectroscopic analysis was done using exclusively MaNGA data.
The results publicly presented here are part of a Value Added Catalogue (VAC) of the SDSS IV Collaboration.


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